4 commenti su “The meaning of collaboration for me #catalysts

  1. Interesting image representing the idea of knowledge sharing through collaboration. Devising systems of collaboration is an important aspect of this. I think we need methods and techniques in order initiate interactions with others that lead to not only sharing but something productive as a result. I would be interested in hearing more about your research lab.

    • And as you quite rightly pointed out, the true sharing of knowledge useful for all is the one that leads to a tangible result. It doesn’t compare to an increased amount of informations but to a qualitative increase of knowledge.
      I founded an Interactive Research Lab. It’s a community of international creatives and inventors who work atelier style. The Lab is an independent center for research, development and prototyping.
      We work with electronic devices MCU in embedded systems. We are developing a new Arduino application and one specific for the art . We are focused on all applications related to interactivity but we accept any kind of challenge and of work congruent with our mission which is implicitly the problem solving in the electronics area. I’m more focused on the art but my co-workers that have a University Education in the field of Physics and Electronics with important skills gained in US, for them, the result is all that matters. Let’s say that I have gained a more logical way of thinking since I embraced the electronics and my coworkers a more creative thought. We are connected together in the research and I always have to learn. 

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