8 commenti su “Remembering Ahmed Basiouny: 30 Days of Running in the Place – 5 DIY Project #catalysts

  1. Ciao Gabry! What an amazing study you’ve done! I truly respect this great person and artist Ahmed Basiouny. I am so saddened by his death, documented by his own cameras. To see all his work juxtaposed and projected at the Biennale is an awesome sight. When I began teaching Media Studies to college students in the States, I would always cite the “Arab Spring” as “mediated democracy” and the power that media has in fostering the democratic ideals of “freedom” in a new way around the world. Now I will also cite Ahmed and his art. Mille grazie per fammi conoscerlo. Favoloso progetto, Gabry! L’arte e il lavoro di Ahmed Basiouny e’ molto speciale., veramente.

    • Carissima Carolyn! Ciao! Thanks a lot for your wonderful words! I’m really thrilled to read all your observations!
      E sono felicissima che farai conoscere l’arte di questo grande artista, Ahmed Basiouny, ai tuoi allievi universitari! Un abbraccio grande!

  2. Gabry – In writing about Ahmed Basiony, you’ve hit upon what I believe to be the cutting edge of art in the digital/multimedia age. Artists now have the power to interrupt and insert themselves into the closed political dialogues with unprecedented immediacy and heroism, exposing the cynicism of the mainstream, entrenched media. It is unspeakably sad that this cost Ahmed his life, but what a brave vision he had. So glad that you presented this.

    • Hi Daria and thank you a lot for your very helpful observation! It’s true, now we’ve much more to say than before with technology. This can be the salvation of our society, that we’ve the most extraordinary sword to have our say and to overturn power of mainstream media.

  3. Thanks for the detailed introduction to an artist who I have not heard of before. You have given me useful background information and access to the necessary supporting video clips. You have not just completed an assignment, you have educated me in an important way.

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